For most people, an AquaStretch wellness program consists of two stages: restoration and maintenance. Restoration may require up to 6 sessions (1-2 times per week); maintenance program is recommended once every month or two in order to preserve flexibility and well being.
AquaStretch is a groundbreaking technique that has clinically proven results in rehabilitation and athletic performance. AquaStretch restores mobility, decreases pain, increases training efficiency and sports performance, and enhances general well being for a wide variety of people. Performed using weighted resistance in shallow water, AquaStretch creates an environment where the client's body moves intuitively to facilitate releases, and promotes both immediate and lasting results.
When a person is injured, they may form micro-calcifications in the fascia between their skin and a muscle, between two muscles, and /or between a muscle and a bone. These micro-calcifications are a temporary hardening around the injured area, primarily to facilitate the healing process and to protect against additional injury of those tissues. Usually, these fascial adhesions dissolve with normal exercise after the injured area has healed. For some people, these adhesions may excessively harden and/or not dissolve. It is thought this hardening happens for two reasons: if someone is injured they may start using the injured area before healing is complete; or some people do not exercise sufficiently after an injury because pain causes them to avoid any movement. In addition, adhesions may form in anatomical areas that can only be stretched in positions possible while in the water, while their previous rehabilitation may have occurred only on land.
The benefits of AquaStretch:
Source: AquaStretch Foundations: Denomme/Jasinkas
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AquaStretch is a groundbreaking technique that has clinically proven results in rehabilitation and athletic performance. AquaStretch restores mobility, decreases pain, increases training efficiency and sports performance, and enhances general well being for a wide variety of people. Performed using weighted resistance in shallow water, AquaStretch creates an environment where the client's body moves intuitively to facilitate releases, and promotes both immediate and lasting results.
When a person is injured, they may form micro-calcifications in the fascia between their skin and a muscle, between two muscles, and /or between a muscle and a bone. These micro-calcifications are a temporary hardening around the injured area, primarily to facilitate the healing process and to protect against additional injury of those tissues. Usually, these fascial adhesions dissolve with normal exercise after the injured area has healed. For some people, these adhesions may excessively harden and/or not dissolve. It is thought this hardening happens for two reasons: if someone is injured they may start using the injured area before healing is complete; or some people do not exercise sufficiently after an injury because pain causes them to avoid any movement. In addition, adhesions may form in anatomical areas that can only be stretched in positions possible while in the water, while their previous rehabilitation may have occurred only on land.
The benefits of AquaStretch:
- Flexibility: AquaStretch often immediately and dramatically resolves fascial adhesions, even if the adhesion formed years ago. May be used as a regular part of athletic conditioning to restore flexibility and reduce injury risk when combined with sport-specific stretching and training.
- Muscle Soreness: Consider using AquaStretch immediately before or after exercising to reduce soreness.
- Training Efficiency: AquaStretch can reduce recovery time after intense or excessive exercise, allowing a compressed training schedule.
- Relaxation: The physical presence of fascial adhesions may prevent a person from being able to fully relax or from being able to achieve or maintain a comfortable position for sleep. Muscle tension is a pervasive characteristic of people with chronic pain.
- Decreased Pain: The following conditions have shown good response to AquaStretch: Arthritis, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, plantar fasciitis, degenerated or herniated discs, bursitis, occupational aggravation, repetitive strain, improper healing from previous injuries or surgeries, pre/post surgery or injury.
Source: AquaStretch Foundations: Denomme/Jasinkas
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